Abstinence Fad

Teenage fads don’t always have to confuse or upset their parents. I hope their parents do know that the main motivation for their children’s enthusiasm about saving themselves until marriage is simply that it’s trendy and their friends are doing it.

Abstinence band aid

Ring worn as reminder of purity pledge becoming more popular with teenagers

Akron, Ohio —- Abby Wilson wears a sterling silver ring shaped like a flower on her right hand. It’s an outward symbol that tells others the 15-year-old is saving herself for marriage.

“I have many friends [boys and girls] with purity rings,” said the high school sophomore. “I call it my self-respect ring.”


Self-respect ring? Is it self-respectful to get married to someone who you have deliberately refused to get to know as well as you can? Sex, even more so for women, makes someone vulnerable to another. It is revealing. It is important. If you haven’t had sex with your partner then there is a significant side to them that you don’t know.

Some people aren’t sexually compatible and this can lead to sadness and humiliation which is magnified significantly if you’ve just married the person. It is not self-respectful to put yourself at risk of living your whole life with someone who you don’t want to have sex with. This would also increase the temptation of one partner to cheat.

It’s simple, have sex with someone when you feel you want to and do it safely (not just wearing a condom but with someone you trust). Girls, don’t have sex with a guy because he wants to or because he might break up with you if you don’t. Only do it when you want to and do all you can to make sure you enjoy yourself too; don’t simply focus on his pleasure. If you make sex equal then there’s no need to fear losing your dignity or self-respect. This applies to guys too of course, but the problem is less severe there.

In some areas of the country, father-daughter purity balls or dances are held in honor of the young women and their pledges to remain virgins until their wedding day.

The young women wear up-dos and formal gowns, and the fathers, often dressed in tuxedos, promise to be responsible men of integrity and to support their daughters in their vows of chastity. Sometimes the girls say their oaths aloud, but more often it’s done silently.

Peer pressure and parental pressure, a dangerous combination. They are putting these girls on a pedestal and giving them too-high expectations. It’s not long before they will come crashing down. Noone should restrict or deny themselves an enjoyable part of life and everyone should ‘try before you buy’ or they are leaving themselves vulnerable to a life of frustration and sadness.

2 Responses to “Abstinence Fad”

  1. 1 Keith July 2, 2010 at 1:00 am

    LOL, I didn’t know that I was part of a fad. I thought it was just a consequence of resembling Quasimodo. Strange!

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